Helping Wichita’s Backyard Birds Thrive This Spring

Your backyard can be a haven for nesting birds. Here’s how you can help!

As spring arrives in Wichita, a new generation of birds is preparing to take flight. The food and shelter you provide now can make a big difference in how well they thrive in your own backyard.

Why Feeding Matters for Nesting Birds
Recent studies show that birds with access to reliable food sources, like feeders, often start nesting earlier than those without. This is important because earlier broods tend to have higher survival rates and stronger fledglings.

By keeping your feeders stocked, you’re giving nesting females more time to focus on choosing the best nesting sites and building higher-quality nests. Plus, well-fed parent birds can spend more time protecting their young from predators and less time searching for food.

More food for parent birds also means more food for their chicks. Research has shown that well-nourished nestlings grow faster and experience less sibling competition. That’s why offering nutrient-rich foods like mealworms, suet, and high-protein seed blends can help give baby birds the best start in life.

Providing Safe Nesting Spaces
Food is only part of the equation. A properly designed nesting box can dramatically improve the chances of a successful brood, especially during unpredictable Kansas spring weather.

At Wild Birds Unlimited of Wichita, we carry expertly crafted nesting boxes designed specifically for birds like Eastern Bluebirds, Chickadees, and Wrens. We can also help you place your nesting box in the best location for safety, warmth, and success.

Get Outside & Get Involved!
Spring is a great time to introduce kids to the joys of birdwatching and conservation. Let them help you set up a birdhouse, fill the feeders, and keep a journal of the birds visiting your yard.

Stop by Wild Birds Unlimited of Wichita to find everything you need to support nesting birds this season—our team is here to help! 


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