How To Attract a Greater Variety of Birds


Welcome to Wild Birds Unlimited of Wichita, your one-stop destination for all things bird-related. We understand that attracting a diverse array of bird species to your backyard brings immense joy and satisfaction, which is why we're here to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to create a thriving bird feeding station year-round.

One of the key principles of successful bird feeding is offering a variety of foods that cater to the preferences and nutritional needs of different bird species. Just like us, birds have their food preferences, which may vary seasonally. By providing a diverse selection of foods throughout the year, you can attract a greater variety of birds to your feeding station on a regular basis, ensuring there's always something to delight both you and your feathered visitors.

At Wild Birds Unlimited of Wichita, we take pride in offering a wide range of recommended foods that are not only delicious but also nutritious for our avian friends. From regionally-formulated seed blends to specialty items designed to attract specific bird species, we have everything you need to create a bird-friendly buffet in your backyard.

Let's take a closer look at some of our top recommended foods:

Peanuts: A favorite among many bird species, peanuts are an excellent source of protein and fat, providing birds with the energy they need to thrive. Some birds, like jays and woodpeckers, will even cache nuts for later retrieval, making repeated trips to your feeders.

Nyjer® (thistle): Loved by goldfinches, Nyjer® boasts a high oil content that serves as an excellent energy source for active birds. Our specially-designed finch feeders ensure that Nyjer® is easily accessible to these colorful visitors.

Mealworms: Ideal for attracting insect-eating birds like bluebirds and wrens, mealworms are a nutritious treat that birds can't resist. To prevent them from crawling out, place mealworms in a smooth-sided feeder where they'll remain accessible to your feathered friends.

Nectar: A must-have for hummingbirds, nectar is their favorite food source. It's crucial to continue offering nectar in areas where some hummingbirds stay during the winter months, ensuring they have access to this vital energy source.

Suet: A perennial favorite among woodpeckers, suet is a high-energy, pure-fat substance that birds enjoy year-round. Particularly beneficial during winter when birds require extra calories to stay warm, suet is a staple in any bird feeding station.

Seed Cylinders: Offering a convenient and long-lasting way to feed your birds, our seed cylinders are available in a variety of flavors to meet the nutritional needs and feeding behaviors of different bird species.

Seed & Suet Stackables: For the ultimate convenience, our seed and suet stackables allow you to cater to both seed- and suet-eating birds simultaneously, ensuring that no bird goes hungry in your backyard.

Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter®: A true crowd-pleaser, Bark Butter® is the perfect blend of fat and protein, attracting over 140 bird species and counting. No other single bird food offers such versatility and appeal.

At Wild Birds Unlimited of Wichita, we're dedicated to helping you create a bird-friendly paradise right in your own backyard. With our wide selection of premium bird foods and feeders, you can rest assured that you're providing your feathered visitors with the best possible nutrition and attracting a diverse array of bird species throughout the year. So why wait? Visit us today and embark on a journey towards a closer connection with nature and the wonderful world of birds.